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SIT (Study in Taiwan) Database regularly publishes English e-newsletters, which provides the latest job vacancies and related information to encourage graduated foreign students to establish and develop their career in Taiwan. Furthermore, the SIT Database collaborates with the “Contact Taiwan” of the Ministry of Economic Affairs to provide regular one-on-one employment meetings to foreign talents to expand their career opportunities. SIT Database also promotes events and lectures regarding foreign and overseas Chinese students’ interests to further enrich your studying life in Taiwan.

Based on the spirit of education and service, and the business defined in the Organization Act, and for management, statistical investigation, analysis of information and database management and improving quality of future service, you are requested to provide some personal information. Your signature will be saved in the database only.

We sincerely invite you for filling up the following survey to get SIT E-Newsletter and the latest information.

According to the Personal Data Protection Act, the related statement is as follows: Read more

Do you read and understand relevant regulations above and agree to offer the questionnaire data to SIT Database Program Office?